Canoga Lakes HOA
C/O Rubin Properties
5850 Canoga Ave. # 308
Woodland Hills, Ca. 91367
(310) 559-4700
For any Association emergency which could damage life or property, please contact our management company directly. Rubin Properties can be reached at (310) 559-4700 and info@rubinproperties.com. A twenty-four hour emergency response service is maintained. For all other maintenance calls, parking, assessment's or any other issues please contact your Management Representative during normal business hours, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
For Landscape Issues, please email landscape@canogalakes.org.
Trees are trimmed on a quarterly basis.
For gate card or gate issues, please email gates@canogalakes.org
For any architectural modifications, please contact the management company for the appropriate forms and information.
Please do not contact a Board Member or our maintenance staff directly regarding any issues on the property. The appropriate channels are listed above. A Board Member, Richard and Luis do not have the authority to handle an issue directly with a homeowner. The direction must come from our Management Company, Rubin Properties. Landscape and Gates can be handled through the above emails.