Frequently Asked Questions...Canoga Lakes is a private community of 293 residents located in Canoga Park, California. The property features beautiful landscaping in a quiet, serene, peaceful atmosphere surrounded by waterfalls and lakes.
Are Pets Allowed?
Homeowners and Tenants (if your landlord approves) are allowed 2 dogs per unit. The total number of pets cannot exceed three.
Can I feed the ducks and fish?
No feeding the ducks and fish is prohibited. An automatic $300.00 fine will be assessed to your account.
Can I park my motorhome, boat or commercial vehicle in my parking spot?
No motorhomes, boats, jet skis or commercial vehicles can be parked on the property.
Can I pay my dues online?
Yes, dues can be paid online through this website www.canogalakes.org. Go to the owner log in and select online payments. All payments are processed through PAYPAL.
Can I use my water heater for storage? NO
Do not use the water heater closet for storage and do not drape anything over the water heater, flu, thermostat, or burner area. We’ve corrected violations and Arch. Control will consider random water heater closet checks and im-posing AUTOMATIC $300.00 fines for violations. Remove storage from your water heater closet today!
Got Cobwebs?
The Webster is great for cobwebs and can be purchased at OSH. The standard pole is short. Folks can buy 9 FT and 15 FT poles @ Home Depot. The cobwebs outside your units is your responsibility not the maintenance staff. Please keep your building/area looking clean and neat.
How do I get my phone number connected to the gate system?
Please complete a resident information form with your current information. Once completed either drop it in the HOA office or email to gates@canogalakes.org
How many parking spaces do I have for my unit?
Parking spaces are assigned in the deed to your property. Each unit has 1 or 2 spaces per unit. If you need additional spaces, please go to the Bulletin Board by the mailboxes for available rental spots.
How Much are the Monthly Dues?
The dues for 2022 are $468.05.
I lost my gate or recreation card, what do I do?
If you lost your gate or recreation card, please email gates@canogalakes.org with your information. Please put a check in the HOA office for $50.00 with a note to replace the card.
Is there a weight limit or restrictions for dogs?
There is no weight limit. There is no Pit Bulls, Rottweilers or Bull Mastiffs allowed on the property. There are also no aggressive or violent dogs allowed on the property. If a dog is violent or aggressive, the dog will be physically removed from the property.
What are the hours for onsite security guards?
Archon is our Security company and they make random visits daily, they do not have set hours, their number is: 800-274-5717
What are the pool and jacuzzi hours?
The pool and jacuzzi is open 7:00am to 11:00pm daily.
What if I need to shut off the water in my building?
The resident must give 24 hours notice by placing the notice on each unit affected by the water shut off, they also must notify Property Management in advance.
What is the mailing address for Dues
Canoga Lakes HOA
C/O Rubin Properties
​ P.O. Box 24740
Los Angeles, CA 90024
​ You can also drop your payments off at the office.
What is the Speed Limit at The Lakes?
The speed limit is a speed that is safe for other vehicles, people and animals. The speed at the Lakes should not exceed 10 mph.
When are quiet hours at The Lakes?
Quiet hours are from 10:00 pm to 8:00 am. Resident should be allowed the enjoyment and peace of their home without the interruption of noise from others.
When are the dues due every month?
The HOA Dues are due on the 1st of the month. If the dues are received after the 15th of the month then a $37.00 late fee will be assessed.